Saturday, February 26, 2011

Junk or Not Junk

I had a little break from cooking in my kitchen last night. We stopped by at FIVE GUYS, and had a BURGER and fries. I heard about this place more than a couple of time and everyone seemed have good compliments about them. Even President Barack Obama had visited Five Guys before (details here).

I try to cook and eat healthy usually. However, this question comes to my mind... "Is a hamburger really categorized as a JUNK FOOD?" According to Merriam-Webster definition of junk food is...
  1. food that is high in calories but low in nutritional content
  2. something that is appealing or enjoyable but of little or no real value junk food for young minds — Cleveland Amory>
I really believe that hamburger itself is not junk food. The anatomy of a hamburger is a pair of buns, one or more beef patty, and slice of tomatoes and lettuce and/or slice of cheese. At this location, Five Guys, they have list of things we can add for no adding cost. I believe having Mayo and Mustard is crucial on this simple beef patty sandwich. I, personally like grilled onion and mushroom so I added them on mine, as well.

There, we have protein, grains, and few vegetables, and/or dairy products. It may not be covered suggested amount of vegetable and exceeded on protein but I really don't think burger itself is not really "junk food." True damage can be made by eating french fries and fountain drink usually accompanies with hamburgers. Which I did! Well, I barely go to any of fast food restaurant and drink pops at home, so I guess I can afford eating little junk food every once in a while. I cannot even remember when was last time eating like this before yesterday.

A delicious hamburger, crisp french fries, and refreshing pop to cool your throat. I don't mind eating junk food sometimes, but not at the golden arches. :P

Why would Japanese girl even dream about eating hamburger and fries instead of the stereotypical sushi, at first place? I have eating them when I was growing up. Only once in a while though. We have amazing variety of food in Japan and they are pretty decent. I will talk about it next time. :)

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