Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Arigato, Thank you for all the people who helped Japan.
It was posted on my friend's page on Facebook. It's only 8 minutes video. I'd really appreciated whoever helped my country. Thank you so much.
I have been super busy since the last update, but hoping to come back with some good articles very soon! Finishing up my finals in this week!!
Thank you for visiting.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Having Friends Over
I like to have my friends over to our house every once in a while, and they are usually our boys' good friends and their mothers. When our boys were still not in any schools yet, I used to go to "play group" every week and it was always pot luck. I really enjoyed the time together with other moms to chatted and exchanged recipes with, while kids played together. I learned a lot of new recipes from them and improved my cooking and baking.
Having people over is not always an easy task. First, you got clean your house, and plan a meal, if it applicable, then go to grocery store, and cook, host, and clean again. However, I see it is a good motivation. Because I can really get lazy about how this house look sometimes, or forget about trying new recipes. Well, trying a new recipe for the guests isn't really a good idea for serving people for first time unless they are super close friends, but I usually try not to serve the same meal I've cooked before, unless it's requested.
These days, every occasion I get talk to Japanese friends is always about what is really going on in Japan, of course. It really hurts us to know what exactly going on in individual levels...However, we haven't giving up our hopes yet.
Our second son't school had a PJ day last Friday and it was called "Jammies for Japan." It was a several forth graders' idea to raise money for Japan! I was very amazed how much little children are participating for the event, and brought so much coins and more... I went to see the class who organized it and wanted thank to them, it almost made me cry...
I've just purchased an album Songs for Japan. Since I pledged not downloading music illegally since my dear friend "laptop" got infected by an evil spy wear some how, this deal is great! New and classic 38 pop songs for $9.99 and profits goes to Japan Relief effort. I've seen harsh comments several times about helping Japan is not necessary kind of things. But it is not true. Many of people lost everything, really no house, no vehicle, no job, no heat, even at evacuation site they still not having enough food. It can be happening to you. I am pretty sure, those people have been helping others whenever possible before. We never know what can natures do to us...
Now their water is in danger...radiation level is getting higher as of today. In Tokyo, the officials are recommending not to give the tap water to infants. I have been trying to talk to my parents, who live near Tokyo, to move here or at least come visit us until things gets settled...but they love the place where they belong. I guess as well as those people currently evacuating and being patient. If it was me, I might have moved to another place and start my life over. I can think of this way, maybe because I left my hometown when I found my love to be with and haven't really got stayed one particular place more than three years, so far as an own family. What if it was where I grew up and had everything right there, like most of people in community...
I've heard that many of them have the thought, if they leave now to evacuate to another place, not helping out the community, even everything gets rebuilt in the future, they might not be accepted or welcomed by the community. However, I just read a news that government secured 42,000 housing and it will be available to those people have been evacuated.
Now many people outside of those affected areas are discouraged to have fun. It is understandable. Plus, many of them are suffering with the planned black outs to save the electrics nation wide as much as possible...Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea are currently closed. Many restaurants has to close during the hours while they are having black outs. So many temporary workers out there works by hours, hours of the work they missed or missing by the disaster won't be covered by the company. How in the world, can Japanese economy still be remained strong like it used to be....?
I heard the most serious damaged site, only get two rice balls each per day still! It can't be happening... So please, help them out whenever, however you can and I'd really appreciated all your help. Thank you!!
Having people over is not always an easy task. First, you got clean your house, and plan a meal, if it applicable, then go to grocery store, and cook, host, and clean again. However, I see it is a good motivation. Because I can really get lazy about how this house look sometimes, or forget about trying new recipes. Well, trying a new recipe for the guests isn't really a good idea for serving people for first time unless they are super close friends, but I usually try not to serve the same meal I've cooked before, unless it's requested.
These days, every occasion I get talk to Japanese friends is always about what is really going on in Japan, of course. It really hurts us to know what exactly going on in individual levels...However, we haven't giving up our hopes yet.
Our second son't school had a PJ day last Friday and it was called "Jammies for Japan." It was a several forth graders' idea to raise money for Japan! I was very amazed how much little children are participating for the event, and brought so much coins and more... I went to see the class who organized it and wanted thank to them, it almost made me cry...
I've just purchased an album Songs for Japan. Since I pledged not downloading music illegally since my dear friend "laptop" got infected by an evil spy wear some how, this deal is great! New and classic 38 pop songs for $9.99 and profits goes to Japan Relief effort. I've seen harsh comments several times about helping Japan is not necessary kind of things. But it is not true. Many of people lost everything, really no house, no vehicle, no job, no heat, even at evacuation site they still not having enough food. It can be happening to you. I am pretty sure, those people have been helping others whenever possible before. We never know what can natures do to us...
Now their water is in danger...radiation level is getting higher as of today. In Tokyo, the officials are recommending not to give the tap water to infants. I have been trying to talk to my parents, who live near Tokyo, to move here or at least come visit us until things gets settled...but they love the place where they belong. I guess as well as those people currently evacuating and being patient. If it was me, I might have moved to another place and start my life over. I can think of this way, maybe because I left my hometown when I found my love to be with and haven't really got stayed one particular place more than three years, so far as an own family. What if it was where I grew up and had everything right there, like most of people in community...
I've heard that many of them have the thought, if they leave now to evacuate to another place, not helping out the community, even everything gets rebuilt in the future, they might not be accepted or welcomed by the community. However, I just read a news that government secured 42,000 housing and it will be available to those people have been evacuated.
Now many people outside of those affected areas are discouraged to have fun. It is understandable. Plus, many of them are suffering with the planned black outs to save the electrics nation wide as much as possible...Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea are currently closed. Many restaurants has to close during the hours while they are having black outs. So many temporary workers out there works by hours, hours of the work they missed or missing by the disaster won't be covered by the company. How in the world, can Japanese economy still be remained strong like it used to be....?
I heard the most serious damaged site, only get two rice balls each per day still! It can't be happening... So please, help them out whenever, however you can and I'd really appreciated all your help. Thank you!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Little by Little
Fresh Market is one of our favorite grocery store to buy something special and unusual items. Their flower, coffee and bakery are the thing we stop by most for. It was my birthday last weekend, and my husband and I went to pick up Crème brûlée to celebrate. Yes, I took break from baking anything for me that day. Crème brûlée was good, as well as Red Velvet Cupcake. I had a few bites and it was just enough for me.

I cannot wait till tomorrow. :)
Most thing I was impressed by them was that when we were checking out, we've noticed this flyer...they will be collecting donation for Japan at the cash register until 3rd of April.
I am not anyone famous. I don't have tons of money to donate myself, but I started find ways to help out those people need most, without spending too much money out of our pocket.
I cannot wait till tomorrow. :)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Aftermath of Japanese Earthquake
I feel that seen enough of Tsunami, and earthquake videos on TV, but this natural disaster still damaging the country in many ways, not over yet and it will takes years to rebuilt everything. In fact, some of part in Japan is still feeling earth quake...American government started evacuating their government employees from Japan, and it seems like there is a voluntary evacuation started military bases in Japan as well. While most of the citizens remained in the area, they don't get know much of information about risk of nuclear plants/radiation because Japanese government may not releasing truth to avoid panic. OR there is a controversy, American media might be escalating the fact with the shocking news title to get people's attention.
From the day of the earth quake, those people who escaped to evacuation site, they are still suffering from not having enough food, heat and medicine so forth. Many people just lost everything they had, family, house, vehicle....EVERYTHING. I cannot imagine myself loosing everything what I have right now. However, there is a hope, they are still not giving up, they stay in a line to receive so little food (for examples: rice balls, a piece of bread, instant ramen noodle, 3 strawberries for each person), or water remaining calm even the evacuation site is cold and uncomfortable. Not only having enough food, toilet papers, diapers, and blankets are the items they need most.
This affected area located in northern part of Japan, because of not having enough fuel, they cannot run much of heater at the evacuation site either... Most of people basically just had to left the house without having time to prepare to evacuate. Unfortunately, it got snowed a few days ago, and still it's pretty cold out there. So many people, especially elderly are suffering being cold without enough blankets and clothes...
Good news I heard so far was that even middle school students are trying to help out voluntarily at the site. Some news of survivors, cheer everyone up.
Having a patient and a cohesion is Japanese strength and I am so proud of them. I read a few other foreign countries' article that complimenting victims well behaver at evacuation sites.
Near the area, people didn't have to evacuate from their own houses, yet some of them still not having water, electric, or gas and phone line. The damage by direct earth quake broke those pipes and lines. The road got messed up and that's still causing delay of everything to get fixed or delivered. The lack of fuel is causing everything to get delayed as well.
I found out that my father was in a train near Tokyo, the time earth quake actually happened. He could not get out from the train for 40 minutes while it still waving by earth quake, yes, not shaking, it felt like waves he said. After it simmer down a little, all the passengers had to walk on a rail road, to get to next station. And waited and waited till close to mid night, and train finally ran again a little. So he jumped on it, but it didn't take him to his home town, then many of them just stayed on a station and waited until train started ran normally till early morning.
My mother on the other hand, she was at home and power was shut down on phone line got disconnected soon after the earth quake. So all the news we were able to watch, she didn't have no clue how bad it was. My brother who lives near Mt. Fuji, he got contact with my mother right after the shock, and let my father knows that she was okay. Cell phone was busy for a few hours but text messaging was a lot better to communicate after all, but my mother is anti cell phone, so I've tried call her at home and finally let her know where my father located at the moment, soon after phone line and electric started running 13hours after the earth quake. She was very happy to hear from me. We have relatives in Miyagi prefecture, where tsunami hit directly. Luckily, they were little bit away from the fishing town and got saved.
Many organization started collect donations, many artists, companies contributing big time and I can't thank enough to all of you already made contributions and all your prayers. But people are still suffering, I really hope anymore damage won't be made and no more people has to suffer and get helped.
I don't tweet, but this is a tweet page that people read and stay motivated in Japan.
It's English version.
Lady Gaga sells wrist bands, and money goes to Japan relief effort.
American Red Cross through out
Other ways to help
AT&T and Verizon, Cox are helping us unique way!5781617/att-customers-can-call-and-text-japan-for-free
I really can't do anything being here just watching news and feel like my country is getting damaged pretty bad... it is really frustrating, but at least I can tell the facts what is going on in Japan besides major news and broadcast we see on American shows. Remember, natural disaster can happening in your area, but it is in Japan this time. It can happens to anyone in the world.
Please help, even for $5, and pray for everyone out there to be safe...Thank you so much....
From the day of the earth quake, those people who escaped to evacuation site, they are still suffering from not having enough food, heat and medicine so forth. Many people just lost everything they had, family, house, vehicle....EVERYTHING. I cannot imagine myself loosing everything what I have right now. However, there is a hope, they are still not giving up, they stay in a line to receive so little food (for examples: rice balls, a piece of bread, instant ramen noodle, 3 strawberries for each person), or water remaining calm even the evacuation site is cold and uncomfortable. Not only having enough food, toilet papers, diapers, and blankets are the items they need most.
This affected area located in northern part of Japan, because of not having enough fuel, they cannot run much of heater at the evacuation site either... Most of people basically just had to left the house without having time to prepare to evacuate. Unfortunately, it got snowed a few days ago, and still it's pretty cold out there. So many people, especially elderly are suffering being cold without enough blankets and clothes...
Good news I heard so far was that even middle school students are trying to help out voluntarily at the site. Some news of survivors, cheer everyone up.
Having a patient and a cohesion is Japanese strength and I am so proud of them. I read a few other foreign countries' article that complimenting victims well behaver at evacuation sites.
Near the area, people didn't have to evacuate from their own houses, yet some of them still not having water, electric, or gas and phone line. The damage by direct earth quake broke those pipes and lines. The road got messed up and that's still causing delay of everything to get fixed or delivered. The lack of fuel is causing everything to get delayed as well.
We all know that there is a threat by nuclear plant, but there is no gas to run their vehicles for people wants to evacuate from the area. There is barley any evacuation plan run for people who live just outside of alert area where people were force to leave by the government. The government recommended to not go to out side for the particular area. (as of today, 18th March 2011, finally Minami-Souma city where is the nuclear power plant is located, decided to provide buses for evacuation to take citizens to other cities.)
Shortage of gasoline, created by damage on the oil plant causing lots of people's daily activity, including going to work. Even in Kanto region (near the Tokyo area), there is planed blackouts to save electric, therefore, transportation is not running as normal. Near the Tokyo area as well as the afflicted area, many of gas stations are closed or running but have limitation about $10 for everyone. My father went to one of a gas station and waited for 4 hours but still could not get it. I've told them, just stay home might be better because they are wasting gas to get gas! They barley use the vehicle anyways. However, it causing many people's commute. This can cause brings down Japanese economy.
In Northern part of Japan is well known for daily products. Milk is threw out or use as compost, and some of the farm suffering because equipments has been damaged by the earthquake thus, I am not sure exactly what area but at least in Kanto region, milk and eggs are hard to get at the stores.
Delivery system barley running because of the gasoline shortage, not only trucks are not able to deliver essential goods to victims, many products got out of the circulation. I guess the same reason-not having enough daily products- breads are all out from bakery as well. Plus, rice are gone from stores as well, so people started depend on other than rice such as bread. So it is just a bad cycle. Some people saying it is like oil shock... But still it is better than loosing everything, that's how people participate, even the planned black out or shortage of gasoline, people started walk, not using public transportation which uses tons of electric or vehicle to not waste gasoline.
I found out that my father was in a train near Tokyo, the time earth quake actually happened. He could not get out from the train for 40 minutes while it still waving by earth quake, yes, not shaking, it felt like waves he said. After it simmer down a little, all the passengers had to walk on a rail road, to get to next station. And waited and waited till close to mid night, and train finally ran again a little. So he jumped on it, but it didn't take him to his home town, then many of them just stayed on a station and waited until train started ran normally till early morning.
My mother on the other hand, she was at home and power was shut down on phone line got disconnected soon after the earth quake. So all the news we were able to watch, she didn't have no clue how bad it was. My brother who lives near Mt. Fuji, he got contact with my mother right after the shock, and let my father knows that she was okay. Cell phone was busy for a few hours but text messaging was a lot better to communicate after all, but my mother is anti cell phone, so I've tried call her at home and finally let her know where my father located at the moment, soon after phone line and electric started running 13hours after the earth quake. She was very happy to hear from me. We have relatives in Miyagi prefecture, where tsunami hit directly. Luckily, they were little bit away from the fishing town and got saved.
Many organization started collect donations, many artists, companies contributing big time and I can't thank enough to all of you already made contributions and all your prayers. But people are still suffering, I really hope anymore damage won't be made and no more people has to suffer and get helped.
I don't tweet, but this is a tweet page that people read and stay motivated in Japan.
It's English version.
Lady Gaga sells wrist bands, and money goes to Japan relief effort.
American Red Cross through out
Other ways to help
AT&T and Verizon, Cox are helping us unique way!5781617/att-customers-can-call-and-text-japan-for-free
I really can't do anything being here just watching news and feel like my country is getting damaged pretty bad... it is really frustrating, but at least I can tell the facts what is going on in Japan besides major news and broadcast we see on American shows. Remember, natural disaster can happening in your area, but it is in Japan this time. It can happens to anyone in the world.
Please help, even for $5, and pray for everyone out there to be safe...Thank you so much....
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Cupcakes and Decoration Items
As the trend...there are so many cupcake stores these days and every coffee shops you go to, you will find cupcakes instead of coffee cakes... I've visited a cupcake store "Just Cupcakes" near by and their cupcakes was pretty impressive. Their cupcakes were moist and each of them had very distinct flavors, unlike others...
However, I am not really big fan of cupcakes daily basis. Those little cupcakes have too much frosting-usually butter cream-on such a small portion of cake part. For me, it just not balanced right. But the other day, I had very young guests (They are three years old girls) and all adults were having an espresso chiffon cake. So I thought cupcakes might be better treat for those little girls. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to make proper frosting for American cupcakes, so I used whipped cream instead and it turned out be NOT so great... so I made only one kind of frosting that I like, which is....cream cheese frosting.
Basic Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe
- 8oz(1 package), Cream Cheese
- 1/2stick (4 table spoon), Butter
- 1 cup, Powder Sugar
- 1 tea spoon, Vanilla Extract
Leave cream cheese and butter in room temperature about a half hour till it is not so hard anymore, and whipped them up with electronic mixer and add powder sugar and vanilla extract until it's combined. If butter and cream cheese doesn't get soft enough, use microwave but lower power for 15-30 seconds. Make sure you don't melt the butter, just soften them up.
I used one table spoon of strawberry preserve, and one tea spoon of black berry liqueur, instead of vanilla extract, it'll give this frosting extra flavor and pretty color without food coloring.
Kids really enjoyed it for their afternoon snack along with a glass of milk, so that it really made me happy. :) As you can see in this picture... right after you make this frosting, it is much softer than normal frosting. So if you like to decorate the cream better, this frosting needs to be in the fridge for at least a half hour.
I've purchased this pink decorating candy at local TJ Maxx about $3 right before Valentine's day but silver ones made by the same company priced about $8, at another gourmet store. Micheal's sometimes offer decorative candies for sale. I have visited other decorating store has very wide variety and it is fun to look around. They have a web site and one of my friend order from other state and told me that they have pretty good customer service and shipped quickly.
These little decorating items really makes finishing touch to the home baked cake different and go people say wow!! The first impression is very important as well as the taste of the cake.
This is the espresso cake I made for my friend's birthday. My guests enjoyed it very much. :)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Tea and Avatar-Last Airbender/Trader Joe's
I've watched TV show it's call "Avatar:The Last Airbender" series with our boys for last couple of weeks. Characters learns something every episode, and talk about not only good and bad, sacrifice, believe, and harmony are some of the interesting topics for any generations. My husband and I really got into it with our boys as well. This story was set in Asia-ish region, it's not particularly any country, but they look like China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, and Alaska... They use chop-stick to eat, hero-Aang is a monk, so he is vegetarian. Aang explains why he doesn't eat any meat in this story, and our boys got really interested in the concept of "vegetarian."
One of very clever old guy, guardian of hero's enemy Iroh, he always talks about tea. "Tea supposed calm you down" or "Ginseng tea is the best!" Iroh eventually own tea salon in the story.
Hearing about how good he makes his jasmine tea, we all are so mood for a nice cup of jasmine tea. I usually buy them at any of local Asian stores, but the day we were at Trader Joe's, and found the tea! It's call "Jasmine Green Tea" I didn't taste no difference from those Asian store's jasmine tea and it was fairy good.
Speaking of Trader Joe's,Our boys likes to visit Trader Joe's, more than any other grocery stores. Because they ask children to find one of their mascot-stuffed turtle-some where in the store, and when children finds it, they get a little treat. They always have new items tasting counter, along with coffee and tea sampler. If you have never visited Trader Joe's, I highly recommend to stop by sometime soon. Also, their eco-bags are so cute. Don't miss it! If you have your favorite Trader Joe's items, please let me know so that I can try them too. :)
I usually purchase these items...
Oh, get back to Avatar, I really enjoyed the show. Unfortunately, the story seems completed already, but I like to see it coming back in near future...but not mention, the movie was horrible casting though...
So if you never seen "Avatar:Last Airbender", or had a nice cup of jasmine tea, why not give it a try! Avatar is available on Netflix, instant watch.
One of very clever old guy, guardian of hero's enemy Iroh, he always talks about tea. "Tea supposed calm you down" or "Ginseng tea is the best!" Iroh eventually own tea salon in the story.
Hearing about how good he makes his jasmine tea, we all are so mood for a nice cup of jasmine tea. I usually buy them at any of local Asian stores, but the day we were at Trader Joe's, and found the tea! It's call "Jasmine Green Tea" I didn't taste no difference from those Asian store's jasmine tea and it was fairy good.
Speaking of Trader Joe's,Our boys likes to visit Trader Joe's, more than any other grocery stores. Because they ask children to find one of their mascot-stuffed turtle-some where in the store, and when children finds it, they get a little treat. They always have new items tasting counter, along with coffee and tea sampler. If you have never visited Trader Joe's, I highly recommend to stop by sometime soon. Also, their eco-bags are so cute. Don't miss it! If you have your favorite Trader Joe's items, please let me know so that I can try them too. :)
I usually purchase these items...
- Baguette
- Fruits and Nuts Artisan Bread
- Cheese(they have so many variety)
- Turkey Bacon
- Hummus
- Persian Cucumbers
- Yogurt (European Style)
- Soy milk
- Almond Powder
- White Balsamic Vinegar
- Ketchup
- Spices
- Yaki Onigiri (Rice Snack)
- Pork Shumai
- Mandarin Chicken
- Cocktail Meatball
- Croissant
- Steam Clam
- Mixed Seafood (squid, scallops, shrimp mix)
- Opera cake
- Carrot cake (they name it different, though)
- Coffee and tea (earl gray, mango, jasmine green tea...)
- Roasted Seaweed Snack
- Rice Crackers
- Kitchen Towel
- Wine, occasionally...
I heard that they have vegetarian Bento box in frozen section now and some of Japanese people said was pretty tasty. So I need try it next time.
Oh, get back to Avatar, I really enjoyed the show. Unfortunately, the story seems completed already, but I like to see it coming back in near future...but not mention, the movie was horrible casting though...
So if you never seen "Avatar:Last Airbender", or had a nice cup of jasmine tea, why not give it a try! Avatar is available on Netflix, instant watch.
Monday, February 28, 2011
How We Eat in Japan
What's the most of people think how Japanese eat? It is probably "Sushi" but NO we don't eat sushi everyday at home. Sushi is very special treat for me. Sometimes it delivered to home for family gathering, and sometimes we go out. The Sushi delivery service is well known, like pizza delivery service here in the U.S. One exception was one of my good friend's mother used help at Sushi eatery, so while we stayed in Japan, they treated us with home made sushi. It was delicious, as the looks so beautiful! As you may notice this picture below, rolled sushi like California rolls are not traditional in Japan. They started appear more often at a few restaurants.

At my parents' house-which I'm pretty sure "a standard family"-they have several different dishes on table all at once. Those dishes are usually grilled or fried meat or fish, star-fry or simply cooked or pickled vegetable dish, and tofu on the side. Have a small plate for those dishes on serving plates/bowls and a bowl of white rice and miso soup ready.
Children's favorite dishes may be fried chicken, hamburg steak, ramen noodle, and curry and rice.* Sometimes the traditional Japanese dishes were looked down by children. I'm not going to go back the history all the way, but Japanese eating habit was changed after the WW2 was over with.
Japan start imported McDonald in 1972, Denny's, KFC are widely well known. Burger King, Dominos Pizza, Krispy Kreme, Red Lobster, TGIFridays, are also started to become recognizable. Other than that Italian, French, Indian, Mexicans, German, Korean, Chinese, Thailand, Bali **restaurants, many Ramen noodle shops, along with Japanese traditional restaurants are also available.
The restaurants mentioned above have another specific characteristic. They have been modified. These places have been imported from overseas, but do have a Japanese twist to each of them.
I.E. Teriyaki burgers, ginger flavored chicken. Denny's is really different. They have an assortment of Japanese dishes with a twist of the West.
At home, my mother would cook, Chinese and some other country influenced meals. We eat breads daily basis. Japanese bakeries has really good quality breads. So there, we don't just eat sushi all the time. We do have so many variety food to choose from and it is pretty amazing for the little island.
*These have always been well known as children's favorite dishes, many have been changed by now.
** I'm sure there is more different nation cuisines are available.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Junk or Not Junk
I had a little break from cooking in my kitchen last night. We stopped by at FIVE GUYS, and had a BURGER and fries. I heard about this place more than a couple of time and everyone seemed have good compliments about them. Even President Barack Obama had visited Five Guys before (details here).
I try to cook and eat healthy usually. However, this question comes to my mind... "Is a hamburger really categorized as a JUNK FOOD?" According to Merriam-Webster definition of junk food is...
- food that is high in calories but low in nutritional content
- something that is appealing or enjoyable but of little or no real value
junk food for young minds — Cleveland Amory>
I really believe that hamburger itself is not junk food. The anatomy of a hamburger is a pair of buns, one or more beef patty, and slice of tomatoes and lettuce and/or slice of cheese. At this location, Five Guys, they have list of things we can add for no adding cost. I believe having Mayo and Mustard is crucial on this simple beef patty sandwich. I, personally like grilled onion and mushroom so I added them on mine, as well.
There, we have protein, grains, and few vegetables, and/or dairy products. It may not be covered suggested amount of vegetable and exceeded on protein but I really don't think burger itself is not really "junk food." True damage can be made by eating french fries and fountain drink usually accompanies with hamburgers. Which I did! Well, I barely go to any of fast food restaurant and drink pops at home, so I guess I can afford eating little junk food every once in a while. I cannot even remember when was last time eating like this before yesterday.
A delicious hamburger, crisp french fries, and refreshing pop to cool your throat. I don't mind eating junk food sometimes, but not at the golden arches. :P
Why would Japanese girl even dream about eating hamburger and fries instead of the stereotypical sushi, at first place? I have eating them when I was growing up. Only once in a while though. We have amazing variety of food in Japan and they are pretty decent. I will talk about it next time. :)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
So I rolled...
This roll covers protein and fiber part, like all in wrap kind of item. Original recipe used cucumber instead of lettuce, modification wasn't too bad at all. I like cooking because you can always modified the recipe how you like it, what's convenience to us. So don't afraid start cooking! :)
Anyways, tips for packing bento is...separate food from touching each other-I used a wax paper between sliced apple and sushi, and don't leave any space in the box. Because they have to travel, it can be rough ride, and all the items can be move around thus it can be pretty messy! Another thing, use different kind of color, means pretty much balanced meal. It will look pretty as well. ;)
Today, I have received a box from my mother who lives in Japan. It was a treasure! Everyone in our family got brightened. She puts some of my favorite snacks and dry food for us. I will use one of item to make boys' lunch for tomorrow, "onigiri"(rice balls) so classic for us.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My Boys' Lunch
My both sons' take their lunch to the schools most of the time. I make them the "Bento" or I usually bake breads at home so whenever it's available, I make sandwiches for them with the homemade breads.

When the school first started, I barely let them buy school lunches at the cafeteria, so they had asked me a few times that they'd like to try out some of the cafeteria lunch. The cafeteria offered all the parents to come and try their school lunches sometime in last October and it lasted entire week or so. We have visited and tried what children at the school typically eat. The experience went pretty well. The lunch itself was better than I expected, but I figure if I make both of our boys lunch everyday, it's cheaper and healther. Plus I can actually see how much they have eaten. This picture below, is the one we have tried. it was Oriental Chicken and rice.

They bought cafeteria lunch few times each month so far. Only time I don't have anything to pack in the morning. My 1st son had experienced the cafeteria lunch wasn't so good...
These are typical bento, I make.

I do use some frozen item for bento if I don't have anything else available. My boys favorites are Trader Joe's Mandarin Chicken and Pork Shumai, they both are taste pretty good even when it's not hot anymore. Yes, it is pretty important to think about how the food will taste like, at the time to eat. Usually for me, it is about 3-4hours after I pack them, so it's better to be cooked, but chilled when you packing them into the bento boxes.
I get questions often from boys teachers or moms sometimes, about what was in their lunch. It must be very strange for others....

Other than bento, usually like this... sometimes, I add a little bag of chips or a stick of yogurt with an ice pack.
So tonight, I was a bit tired to start baking own breads, and I haven't really see anything particularly boys will like to have on their bento...I asked my 1st son, "What do you like for your lunch? Cafeteria lunch or sandwich?" If he answered and said sandwich, I would have start baking a bread for tomorrow by now, but he said "I wanna mommy's food." so I asked him back, "What do you mean, mommy's food?" then he said, "obento" (with "o" in the beginning of the word, it's a polite form in Japanese, most of the time. Not all the time...) Wow! It made my day!! I was very happy to hear him saying that. :)
I searched my pantry, and I found a little package of tuna. The ones we normally use for sandwich or salad. And then, I looked up a recipe using tuna for bento and I found one, and I'm pretty sure that boys will love it. It's rolled sushi and cooked tuna in it. It must be hard to imagine, so I link this recipe with picture on it, here... Wish me luck! Because I am not a sushi professional. I am Japanese but I don't eat sushi everyday or I don't make them at home so often...
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Cakes and me
As much as I like cooking, I like baking as well. I grew up eating cakes for special occasions and they were always decorated with heavy whipping cream. Not icing cream for any chance. The most of time, American cakes are too sweet for me. So I bake every occasions so that I can always make it how I like it. Thank you for my mentor who taught me how to bake it right. I have added some of my creations to my gadget. Hope everyone enjoys it. :)
How to cook TOFU-1
My boys, who are 5 and 7, they eat tofu just fine. However, I made this homemade chicken/tofu nuggets on the day of Super Bowl this year and they loved it!
I've been trying avoid eating at any of the fast food restaurants since I've researched on American diet as a final essay for my English class. There's so many things I'd like to point out and warn everyone still like to eat them but not this time. Anyways, kids are attracted to hamburger, chicken nuggets and fries, even though no toys attached on the meal. So at home, I tried to recreate and make it healthier version of those food items sold at fast food restaurants. I have made homemade hamburger on homemade buns with oven fries and coleslaw on the side often. However, I have noticed my 1st son, he really likes meaty, crunchy and deep fry kinda food. Of course, I look into frozen aisle but surprise to find out that how small amount really chicken is in the frozen chicken nuggets... it's almost any! I couldn't find any list of ingredients for chicken nuggets on web sources but if you happened have them in your freezer please take a look at them. They should start like "wheat gluten" and "onion flavors"... As most of us know that those list of ingredients on pre-made food package are listed by descending order, and chicken was placed on 4th or 5th on chicken nuggets! So I spent few minutes to research how to make chicken nuggets and they looked pretty easy. Here is the procedure how to make chicken nuggets at home.
- Ground own chicken meat (breast chicken traditionally, but you can add thigh to flavor it up) on food processor/or simply use ground chicken
- Add some flavors and glue (such as salt and pepper, onion powder and some spices as you like, and starch-I used flour, if you like you can add an egg also)
- Shape them (I use an ice cream scooper and drop them into a bowl of flour)
- Pat them with flour/bread crumb/dipped in batter
- Deep fry them and eat!
I am not vegetarian and I don't think I can be one but I still like to eat healthy food. I had extra tofu in fridge when I made this chicken nuggets, so I have added about a half of tofu(water excessed) into 1 small package of chicken tenderloin on Step 1. Good things is that tofu is fully cooked food, so it reduces the cooking time if you mix into the meat, and tofu barely have much of flavor itself so usually it kind of blends into whatever you adding on to.
A few weeks ago, I didn't have enough grounded beef to make up one of meat loaf recipe, so I added tofu. I made sandwich with left overs and served to our friends, but nobody noticed it until I told them. I highly recommend using "farm" tofu when you cook. Because they have less water, easy to excess water out of it. I like to use silky tofu when I eat as is. You can taste the silkiness of soy much better.
How to excess water out of tofu?
Excess water by placing a tofu on a bowl/deep dish, and traditionally place something heavy like cutting board and wait for 20-30 min. I just let it stand for about a half hour, when I eat them.
No time to wait around for the full half hour? Try wrapping a paper towel around the tofu place it on a plate and cook it using a microwave for 1-2 minutes. But be careful, this is fast and easy but the tofu may be pretty hot to handle it.
Hope you've enjoyed my story. Can't wait share more story about my food!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Hello everyone out there, who's interested in my blog. Before I start, I thought it will be appropriate to introduce myself. I was raised in Japan and I am Japanese, so my English is not perfect, so please bear with me.
I'm married to an American man for almost nine years and has been creating dishes that are fits us for many ways. My husband really likes Japanese cuisine, which makes much easier for me to cook everyday.
My husband is in the U.S. Navy and stationed in Sicily, Italy before, so we try to recreate Italian dishes as well. In Japan, Italian, American, and French cuisine are very popular. This will be another story.
Problem cooking here is that some of the ingredients are not easy to find in the United States. Luckily, I have a few stores I can go to and find some rare items or fresh fish; that I really like about being this area. I search for American recipes often and modified it to make it healthier and easier for me to cook, as well. So I cook Japanese, American and Italian most of the time. We like to go out to eat and our favorites are Mediterranean, Mexican and Italian so far.
When I tell my ethnicity which people usually can guess it easily, they assume that I COOK sushi at home all the time. That's probably 1st stereotype I hear a lot about being Japanese. However, in Japan, I never ever made sushi myself before till I moved in the U.S. (Yes, I learned how to make California rolls and took them to my 1st pot luck party I was invited.) The typical sushi was always take out or eat out food for a special occasion, when I was growing up. Different style of sushi, which is in plate or bowl, doesn't require to be shaped, which showing on the picture above call Tekka-don is a good example of sushi made at home.
Tekka-don is sashimi tuna on top of sushi rice. How to make sushi rice is easy, I found an authentic recipe at All About. I've purchased sashimi grade tuna at local grocery store, Harris Teeter. Have soy sauce and wasabi in a small plate or bowl ready for dipping. When you start eating this sushi, pick up one slice of sashimi tuna and dip the sashimi tuna on to the soy sauce/wasabi and then bring back to the rice bowl and scoop up one bite of the sushi rice. Finally, all the layer of yumminess (sashimi dipped with say sauce and sushi rice in all one bite) to your mouth. That's how we eat Tekka-don.
This picture from New Year's Day of this year. Our boys enjoyed it very much.
Hope you've enjoyed my story. Can't wait share more story about my food!
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